Our 2022-2023 Year
The year ended July 31,2023 saw a loosening of covid restrictions with day-to-day activities returning closer to pre-covid operations. We were able to conduct more in-person site visits to meet with charities requesting grants and to view completed projects. We were also able to have in-person board meetings as well as our first in-person AGM since 2019. Zoom meetings do allow you to function, however will never replace the value of in-person interactions with charities, staff, our board and members as well as The Winnipeg Foundation staff.
At the 2021 AGM our members were advised that our objective was to increase the number of organizations we assist and the dollar value of grants. We have met this objective in both our 2022 and 2023 years. In 2023 we awarded 114 grants totaling $1,519,940. For the 2022 and 2023 years combined The Thomas Sill Foundation awarded 224 grants for a total of $3,415,750.
We continue to benefit from our arrangement with The Winnipeg Foundation (TWF) as we are provided office and meeting space as well as IT and administrative support. We continue to interact with TWF staff on various grant requests and projects. We operate our office respecting guidelines TWF and building management have put in place.
Grants for the 2023 fiscal year totaled $1,519,940 which was allocated to 114 organizations for projects and programs in Manitoba. While the total dollars are lower than the 2022 year (which included almost $600,000 in multi-year grants) the number of approved grants increased from 2022 and no multi-year grants were approved in the 2023 year. We experienced a significant number of first-time applicants, which included several organizations that only recently obtained their charitable status. With the decline in covid restrictions we saw an increase in requests in the arts and culture category as organizations were once again able to be open to the public for visits or performances.
We approved 21 grants for a total of $237,640 to organizations that operate only in Winnipeg and 43 grants for a total of $488,300 to organizations that provide services in their communities located outside of Winnipeg and Brandon. We approved 50 grants totaling $794,000 to organizations based in Winnipeg and Brandon that provide services to all Manitobans.
The majority of grants were for capital projects however we do provide some grants for new programs, program expansions or bridge funding. The applicants were quite diverse, and we approved grants in all our granting categories with a significant amount awarded to organizations addressing poverty, health and youth services.
In summary, we are always impressed by the diversity of our applicants and the incredible amount of volunteer time and community support that charitable organizations in Manitoba receive. Please visit our website for a complete list of organizations we have assisted.