Our 2021-2022 Year
The year ending July 31, 2022, was the second full year the Foundation operated with covid restrictions impacting day to day activities however by the end of the year we started to see lessening of restrictions on our operations and those of the charities with which we work. Like most, we are looking forward to fewer zoom meetings, more in person contact with our board and members, the staff of The Winnipeg Foundation and most importantly, the charitable organizations.
At our last AGM the Governors advised the members that the objective for the 2022 year was to increase the number of organizations we assist and the total amount of grants. We are pleased to report that both objectives were met with 110 grants being awarded for a total of $1,895,810 compared to the 2021 total of 84 grants for $940,000. The 2022 grants approved were more than the grants budget for the year.
We continue to be a sub-tenant of the Winnipeg Foundation (TWF) and benefit from this arrangement as we are provided space, IT, and administrative support. We are also able to interact with TWF staff on various projects. We continue to operate our office respecting the covid operating guidelines TWF and the building management have put in place.
Grants for the 2022 fiscal year totaled $1,895,810. This was allocated to 110 organizations for projects and programs in Manitoba. This represents the highest number of grant applications and dollar amount the Foundation has processed and approved in one year. We had a significant number of first-time applicants covering a wide range of activities. Of grants we approved, 30 grants totaling $ 321,010 were made to organizations operating only in Winnipeg and included a 3-year $90,000 grant for the Boys and Girls Club’s summer CSI program. We approved 39 grants to rural organizations for a total of $508,200 which were mostly for capital projects however we did participate in helping to fund some programs and projects in remote rural and indigenous communities.
We approved 41 grants totaling $1,051,600 for organizations based in Winnipeg and Brandon that provide services to all Manitobans. Included in this total are 2 large capital grants. We approved a grant to Assiniboine Park Conservancy for $250,000 which is for the outdoor garden area of “The Leaf- Canada’s Diversity Gardens”. This area does not charge admission and is open for all to enjoy. The second grant for $250,000 was to help fund the critically important redevelopment of the St Boniface Hospital emergency department which will assist Manitobans for many years to come. The new triage area will be named “The Thomas Sill Foundation Inc. Triage”.
In summary, it is always a pleasure to work with so many diverse organizations who provide important services to the people of Manitoba. Please visit out web-site for a complete list of organizations we have assisted.