Family & Community Services
Toba Centre for Children's Youth Inc., Winnipeg, TCFCYI provides support to child victims or witnesses of crime and abuse in Manitoba. The centre provides services to children as young as 3 and up to age 18, from across the province. They partner with child and family services, victim services and the police. This grant helps towards renovating their new space in Assiniboine park. | $30,000 |
Miami Recreation and Play Spaces, MRPS is a new charity. They received their charitable status in February 2022. Their vision is to work with community partners to provide early childhood education programs that enhance school readiness with a target of children under 6. This grant helps towards the Wiggle & Giggle and Munch, Rock and Read programs. | $3,000 |
Habitat for Humanity Winkler -Morden Chapter, HFHW/M with the help of sponsors, supporters and volunteers, builds safe, and affordable homes for purchase by low-income working families. This grant helps with the construction of a new house in Winkler. | $10,000 |
Victor Play Centre Inc., Winnipeg, VPCI is a childcare centre located in the West End of Winnipeg. They serve families of all economic, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. This grant helps with the fire escape repairs for their centre. | $2,500 |
Aulneau Renewal Centre, Winnipeg ARC works with individuals, couples, and families to develop therapeutic plans that meet their specific needs through therapy, education, support, and guidance. It is their commitment to provide a variety of services that have unique specialties and are tailored to meet every client's needs. This grant helps renovate their reception area. | $15,000 |
St. John's Ambulance, Winnipeg SJA is a worldwide, non-denominational charitable organization that is over 900 years old. Through funding from First Aid and CPR courses, SJA operates two community programs: Medical First Responders (MFR) and Therapy Dog (TD) programs. This grant helps towards purchasing the land adjacent to their building for future programming. | $25,000 |
RM of De Salaberry, St. Pierre-Jolys RM of De Salaberry, is located to the east of the Red River, approximately halfway between Winnipeg and the US border along Highway 59. The municipality holds the jewel of southeastern Manitoba in Lake St. Malo along with the St. Malo Provincial Park, one of the busiest Provincial Parks in Manitoba. This grant helps construct an accessible rest area for anyone travelling through St. Malo. | $15,000 |
The Canadian CED Network, Winnipeg CCN is a national, member-led organization, headquartered in Victoriaville, QC, that promotes "community economic development", or CED, to reduce poverty, homelessness and promote community revitalization. In Manitoba, the work of the network is overseen by a Manitoba Regional Committee. All activities are in Winnipeg, including the "Spark" sevice which has been previously funded by the Thomas Sill Foundation. This grant helps fund the current "Spark Program". | $15,000 |
Arcane Horizon Inc., Winnipeg AHI provides services to people in Winnipeg with intellectual disabilities. They operate 16 residential homes, 4 home-share homes, a SIL/transitional living program as well as a drop-in program. This grant helps fund projects which include roofing, weather proofing, safety and health, and flooring for their center. | $15,000 |
West Broadway Development Corporation, Winnipeg WBDC serves an area bounded by Portage Avenue (north), the Assiniboine River (south), Maryland Street (west) and Osborne Street (east). This agency's mission is to plan and coordinate neighborhood renewal efforts through economic and social development. It seeks to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of residents. This grant helps fund the West Broadway Snow Team Program | $4,000 |
Wings of Power., Pine Falls WOP is a community resource serving the Powerview-Pine Falls area. They have a building that includes a thrift store, adult programs, children's programs, prenatal and postnatal classes, free computer classes, an adult with disabilities day program etc. Their primary clients and participants are members if Sagjeeng, Black River and Hollow Water First Nations. This grant helps with the purchase of a van to help their clients with monthly trips, pickups, and volunteering to shop and distribute food. | $15,000 |
Thrive Community Support Circle Inc., Winnipeg TCSC is dedicated to offering services that are inclusive to all persons, regardless of race, religion, age, and gender, in all stages to cultivate life, provide opportunities for empowerment, and to grow the community they serve: through community services including programming, therapeutic counselling, drop in, thrift shop and childcare. This grant helps towards the expansion of their building at 555 Spence Avenue. | $50,000 |
RM of Wallace - Woodworth, Virden, The EMPR project is a group of volunteers with a goal of rejuvenating their park. The revitalized park will serve their community and the surrounding communities of McAuley, Kirkella, Cromer and Hargrave. This grant assists in creating a barrier free inclusive environment that will appeal to all ages and provide multiple uses to their community while promoting physical and mental health. Our grant will help with the new walkway and lighting for the park. | $15,000 |
Seed Winnipeg, SEED is one of Winnipeg's best social service agencies that addresses inner-city poverty. For almost 30 years, SEED has emphasized respect within the community, innovation, removing barriers to success and the interconnections of all individuals. Local decision making, support for local endeavors, etc. This grant is payable over two years and assists with Asset Building Programs. | $50,000 |
Western Manitoba Regional Library, Brandon, WMRL covers six regions including the City of Brandon. Its regions include: the Town of Carberry, Neepawa, Municipalities of Cypress-Langford. Glenboro South Cypress and Grassland. The City of Brandon is the largest library in the region; and this grant helps purchase new shelving for the Brandon library. | $15,000 |
Salvation Army | $22,000 |
Siloam Mission | $6,600 |
Union Gospel Mission | $6,600 |
Harvest Manitoba | $22,000 |
Rhineland Empty Stocking Fund | $2,200 |
Morden Christmas Cheer Board | $2,200 |
Samaritan House Ministries | $3,900 |
Brandon Westman Christmas Cheer Registry | $3,900 |
Winkler & District Christmas Cheer Board | $2,200 |
Selkirk Food Bank | $4,400 |
Christmas Cheer Board of Winnipeg Annually, the Thomas Sill Foundation helps these agencies which are helping the needy at Christmas. | $24,000 |
Bookmates., Winnipeg, Bookmates is the only organization focused solely on family literacy in Manitoba. They offer a broad range of family literacy programs and services to help build important foundational learning skills needed to succeed in school and beyond, including family programs, parent workshops, training for service providers, literacy kits, e-resources, children's books and more. This grant helps towards bridge funding for their literacy program. | $12,000 |
Altered Minds, Winnipeg, AM provides responsive programs and services to vulnerable people in Winnipeg and rural areas that assist individuals in adapting to change and overcoming barriers to a good quality of life. their target populations include refugees with limited English/ French, low-income and unemployed people, people who have not completed high school, people with disabilities, youth, and seniors. This grant helps with their "Computers for Life" program. | $20,000 |
Habitat for Humanity Manitoba, Brandon Chapter HFHMBC was established in 1987. Their mission is "by mobilizing volunteers and community partners, HFHMBC works with people from all walks of life to build safe, decent, affordable housing for purchase by low-income working families. This grant helps towards a new build in Brandon. | $15,000 |
Swan Valley Animal Protection League SVAPL operates an animal shelter located in Swan River, Manitoba. They promote the welfare of animals through spray/neutering programs and provide care and shelter to stray, abandoned and surrendered animals. They also operate a foster adoption program. This grant helps with the installation of a septic field, electrical work and outdoor fencing for their shelter. | $7,500 |
Pembina Counselling Centre, Altona PCC is a not-for-profit counselling serving the Pembina Valley. Their purpose is to help individuals who are struggling personally or in relationships, to gain direction and find lasting hope. They have three offices in Morden, Winkler, and Altona. This grant helps with renovations for their Altona office. | $10,000 |
Ten Ten Sinclair Housing Inc., Winnipeg TTSI provides accessible and affordable housing to individuals who live with a physical disability and want to live in the community. They recently broadened their services to individuals who have a physical disability and additional challenges such as mental health, addictions, or cognitive problems who wish to develop the skills to live independently. This grant helps towards the asbestos removal from their flooring in the Merv Thomson room. | $10,000 |
Evergreen Basic Needs, Gimli EBN is in Gimli. The centre services a greater part of the Interlake Region. They offer a variety of programs such as a food distribution hub. Life Essentials Programs whereas registered individuals get access to clothing, household items, furniture, and appliances. EBN Cafe, helps clients learn work and life skills and provide meals at reasonable prices etc. This grant helps towards their "Refresh" project. They want to repaint the interior of their building. | $7,000 |
The Thompson Humane Society Inc., THS provides food, water, shelter, and health care to lost, abandoned, and abused animals in the Thompson region. On partnership with the Winnipeg Humane Society, Misichawayasihk Cree Nation and Pet Smart Charities. This grant helps towards the purchase of 40 Nelson Road to establish a permanent spay and neuter clinic for pets of low-income families. | $15,000 |
The Flin Flon Creighton & Area SPCA, FFCASPCA provides shelter, vet services and protects animals that are lost, abused or in need of rehoming. This grant helps towards the purchase of new kennels and flooring for their centre. | $10,000 |
Association for Community Living - Steinbach Branch (o/a enVision Community Living), ACL - Steinbach exists to inspire equality, inclusion, and the value of all people. They provide person-centered residential, employment, and vocational support to about 300 persons living with an intellectual disability throughout Southeastern Manitoba. This grant helps towards building an accessible and sustainable home for the needs of their clients | $15,000 |
Riverdale Place Homes Inc., Arborg, RPH provides supported living homes and apartments for adults living with a developmental disability in the Arborg area. This grant helps towards the purchase of a new recumbent bathtub equipped with hydro sound for one of their residences | $12,000 |
B'nai Brith, Winnipeg, BB it's the country's oldest Jewish human rights organization. Their motto is "People Helping People". The organization acts both as a protector of human rights and as a safety net for vulnerable community members. They advocate for Jewish and non Jewish human rights and intervene in all levels of courts across Canada in defense of human rights. This grant helps towards expanding their food basket program in Winnipeg. | $5,000 |
University of Winnipeg Foundation Inc , UWF works with the Walls to Bridges program to address the need for post-secondary education in federal and provincial prisons and aims to improve reintegration for incarcerated men and women post-release. This grant helps to cover primarily tuition and stipends for instructors so they can continue teaching in prisons in Manitoba. | $4,000 |
The Meeting Place, Winnipeg, MP operates the common cupboard, a food bank every second Tuesday and Wednesday evening serving individuals and families every month. In addition, they have walk-ins that come throughout the week looking for food and bus tickets. This grant helps with the purchase of 3 upright freezers for their progra | $5,000 |
Child and Family Services of Central Manitoba Foundation, Portage la Prairie CFSCMF's mission is to provide opportunities that will enhance the physical, emotional, social intellectual, and personal well-being of children. The CFS Foundation runs programs for children that are financially in need. This grant helps towards the expansion of their "Chance to Grow" program. It pays registration fees and helps with equipment and supplies for a myriad of educational and recreational opportunities. | $5,000 |
Japanese Cultural Association of Manitoba, Winnipeg, JCAM's purpose is to provide services, programs, and activities to educate the community about Japanese and Japanese Canadian art, music, sport, culture, heritage, and history. JCAM is a historical resource, especially with regards to Japanese Canadian Internment during World War II. This grant helps with renovations of their kitche | $7,500 |
Siloam Mission, Winnipeg SM provides meals, clothing, safe sleep, mental health counselling and spiritual and cultural support. Siloam purchased the Madison which has 85 private units with a shared kitchen where 3 meals a day are prepared all year. This space is designed as a community living building with onsite staff and case workers to support residents who live with cognitive or physical challenges or mental illness. This grant helps towards the installation of a new HVAC system. | $15,000 |
Agape Table, Winnipeg AT has been providing meals for over 42 years to support Winnipeg's most vulnerable in the inner city from within leased buildings and church basements. They serve guests including low-income seniors, the homeless, single parents, persons with disabilities, newcomers, and other vulnerable citizens. This grant helps towards the renovations of their newly acquired building at 365 Furby Street. | $50,000 |
Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Center, Winnipeg OUCEC provides educational programs and exhibits with respect to Ukrainian culture and heritage. Oseredok is a museum, art gallery, library, archives, a provider of cultural programming and operates a boutique selling Ukrainian crafts and art. The museum collection includes artifacts that tell the story of Ukrainian ethology and history. This grant helps towards renovating their basement to provide English classes to Ukrainian refugees. | $15,000 |
Sprucedale Industries Inc., Austin SI is dedicated to teaching developmentally handicapped individuals how to function in the everyday world and be useful members of the community. The organization provides primarily day programs including small manufacturing and service activities including the operation of a greenhouse and cafeteria. This grant helps towards the purchase of a new 7 passenger SUV for transportation of participants to and from Portage la Prairie | $10,000 |
Pulford Community Living Inc., Winnipeg PCI supports over 150 individuals in three regions including Winnipeg, Interlake, and Eastman. They provide 24-hour residential support, supported independent living options and day services for adults living with an intellectual disability. Pulford purchased a home to support 5 individuals. This grant helps to repair the basement wall and foundation for this home. | $15,000 |
Portage Collegiate Institute PCI is a high school (grade 9 to 12), located in Portage la Prairie, with approximately 1100 youth. They have youth from the City of Portage la Prairie, the local Rural Municipalities and the First Nations communities of Long Plain, Dakota Tipi and Dakota Plains. PCI is the oldest operating collegiate in Manitoba. It was founded in 1883. This grant helps towards building a new outdoor court for community use. | $5,000 |
Minnedosa Regional Events Centre MREC was established to create a recreational facility that will house an arena, a walking track and events center. It will benefit the communities of Minto Ondanah, Newdale, Rapid city, Clanwilliam, Erickson, Sandy Lake, Rolling River First Nation and the Keeskoowenin First Nation. This grant helps with the construction of a walking track that will be free to participants and open 7 days a week morning to late evening. | $15,000 |
Epiphany Lutheran Church Inc., Winnipeg ELC has been a member of the Winnipeg Community for 50+ years, helping various organizations within their building and extending throughout Winnipeg including outreach programs. The Epiphany Lutheran Church Inc meal team in collaboration with The Urban has been in operation for 12+ years. They serve hot take home meals twice a week to families in need. This grant helps towards the meal team providing meals to individuals and families in need | $1,500 |
Oakville Community Club Inc. OCC is responsible for the operation of the Oakville Community Centre. The centre serves residents of the Village of Oakville and residents of Ward 6 & 7 of the RM of Portage la Prairie. This grant helps towards the construction of a new community centre | $15,000 |
Municipality of Ste. Rose. MSR are the landowners of Ste. Rose Recreation Commission - Turtle River Trails Project. The SRRC's mission is to create and implement a variety of recreational opportunities for the community and surrounding areas, to promote and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. They are in the Eastern part of the Parkland region. This grant helps towards the interpretive signage replacement for the Ducks Unlimited Nature Trails and play area. | $10,000 |
Koko Platz Recreation Centre, Portage la Prairie KPRC is the only community club in Portage la Prairie. Owned by the city of Portage la Prairie and the surrounding areas. While the outdoor rink and playground serves children and youth, the park area is enjoyed by all. This grant helps towards the construction of a covered picnic shelter for the park area. | $10,000 |
*RM of Yellowhead The RM of Yellowhead consists of 4 communities: Elphinestone, Oakburn, Strathclair and Shoal Lake. Lakeview Park is at the north end of Shoal Lake and its infrastructure needs to be upgraded. The project is to add a splashpad to the site. This grant helps towards purchasing the equipment for the Water Treatment System for the Shoal Lake Splash Park. | $10,000 |
*RM of Pipestone The RM of Pipestone is a rural municipality in Southwest Manitoba with a population of 1,442. This grant helps towards the Reston & Area Veterans Memorial Banner. | $2,500 |
*Prison Fellowship Canada PFC exists for the purpose of being a national community of reconciliation and restoration to prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families. This grant helped towards funding the Angel Tree Camping program for children of incarcerated individuals in Manitoba. | $6,000 |