Services for Seniors

McCreary / Alonsa Support Services for Seniors
MASSFS aids seniors that like to remain in their homes independently. They service the RMs of McCreary and Alonsa. They operate a congregate meal program in Alonsa, including meals on wheels. This grant helps towards the purchase of a stove and other equipment in Alonsa.
Menno Home for the Aged Inc., Grunthal
Grunthal Menno Home for the Aged is a non profit senior's home run by volunteers. They provide housing for low-income seniors and people with special needs. This grant helps towards the construction of a sunroom for their senior's hom
Glenboro South Cypress Oakland Wawanesa Handi-Transit.
This handi-transit is jointly operated between the Glenboro South Cypress and Oakland Wawanesa municipalities. The RHA also utilizes the service for various patient transfers and equipment returns on a regular basis. Personal care homes and hospitals in the area frequently utilize their services to attend appointments locally. This grant helps towards the purchase of a new handi-van.
Tabor Homes Inc. Morden,
TH operates as a 100-bed facility which opened in 2017. They provide 24-hour nursing care, personal care, nutritional services, housekeeping, laundry, recreation, and spiritual care. They strive to provide holistic care for each resident. They serve the Southern Health Region. This grant helps towards the construction of an accessible pathway around the home that will connect each of their five outdoor courtyards.