Family & Community Services
LITE, Winnipeg This agency supports inner-city initiatives that build capacity and provide jobs. This grant helps offset the costs of their annual Wild Blueberry Pancake Breakfast | $5,000 |
Selkirk & District Community Foundation This grant is for the Dare to Dream Education Fund for Nova House. The fund's income is to be used to help defray the cost of tuition and books for further education for women leaving violent relationships. | $25,000 |
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Winnipeg The CCPA Manitoba office works with the community to conduct quality research that advances social justice and environmental sustainability. This grant helps to purchase furniture for their new location. | $5,000 |
Day Nursery Centre, Winnipeg This centre is a network of five Winnipeg inner city Early Learning and Child Care units. This grant assists with the purchase of new lighting fixtures of the Gretta Brown Unit. | $7,500 |
Rm. of Rosedale, Neepawa The municipality of Rosedale is located directly north of the Town of Neepawa, Manitoba and extends North alongside Riding Mountain National Park. This grant assists with the kitchen renovations for the Kelwood multi use facility. | $7,500 |
Meadowood Manor, Winnipeg This personal care home serves under the umbrella of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and the attached elderly persons housing. This grant assists with refurbishing the family lounge in the Personal Care Home. | $7,500 |
Inspire Community Outreach Inc., Winnipeg ICOI is a agency that provides services to meet the needs of children, youth & families living with mental health issues and neurological/cognitive differences. This grant assisted with funding to increase the hours of the assistant director position. | $12,000 |
Brandon Area Community Foundation Inc. A project that started with the Community Foundations of Canada and was undertaken by the Brandon Area Community Foundation Inc., Vital Signs 2019 was partially funded with this award. | $5,.000 |
Good Neighbours Active Living Centre Inc., Winnipeg GNALCI enhances the quality of life for older adults by providing programs, services, and opportunities for social interaction and contribute to overall well-being and a sense of community. This grant helps with the purchase & installing of remote controlled blinds. | $6,500 |
Interlake Women's Resource Centre, Gimli IWRC is a community-based resource centre that is dedicated to working with women and families. They offer programing to empower, educate and facilitate growth toward a happy healthy lifestyle. This grant helps with the purchase of audible subscriptions for their book club. | $5,000 |
Steinbach Community Outreach SCO is an organization that works with the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless in the Steinbach area. They serve families, single parents, and individuals of all ages and backgrounds with their basic needs and support services. This grant helps to start a free counseling program for those who are experiencing, or have experienced the trauma of poverty and homelessness. | $10,000 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg Inc. BBBSW offers a variety of diverse mentoring programs, both site-based and in the community, for children and youth 6-21 years of age. This grant helps with the purchase of new chain link fencing. | $15,000 |
The Salvation Army Weston Child Care Centre, Winnipeg This Child Care Centre located in Weston (Inner City) is dedicated to brining an ideal learning environment to a diverse neighbourhood. this grant assists with repairs for their roof at the centre. | $10,000 |
Habitat for Humanity Winkler-Morden Chapter, Winkler This chapter builds homes for lower income families, and serves the cities of Winkler and Morden. This grant assisted with the construction of a new build in Winkler. | $10,000 |
Herman Prior Senior Services Centre Inc., Portage la Prairie Herman Prior Senior Services Centre Inc., Portage la Prairie HPSSC offers a number of different programs, focusing on the retired, or those 55 years of age or over. This grant helps with the centre's bathroom renovations. | $7,500 |
Oak Table, Winnipeg Oak Table is dedicated to the pursuit of social justice and to improve the lives of those marginalized in society. They provide programs and services for the homeless, women, victims of domestic abuse, Indigenous people etc. This grant helps with the renovation costs for their new space. | $20,000 |
Norwest Coop Community Health Centre Inc., Winnipeg NCCHC is a charitable health and social services agency located in the Inkster community in the Northwest part of Winnipeg. They provide a wide range of services including primary care, counseling, early learning and childcare as well as community development. This grant helps with the renovations of their kitchen at the Alexander Resource Centre | $15,000 |
Glenora Community Hall This hall is a valuable and well used facility serving all ages in the community of Glenora and surrounding area. This grant helps with the kitchen renovations. | $10,000 |
South Central Regional Library, Winkler SCRL is a non-profit entity which consists of 5 Branches. This grant helps with the purchase of fencing & a pergola for the Reading Garden at the Manitou Branch. | $4,000 |
Indigenous Family Centre, Winnipeg IFC is located in Winnipeg's North End, where Indigenous newcomers, and long-term settler families live side by side. They offer activities that address issues relevant to social and economic equity. This grant helps with equipment costs for their project: Meeting in the Circle: Stories of Home and Community. | $5,000 |
St. Matthews Non Profit Housing Inc., Winnipeg SMNPHI along with West End Commons operates an inclusive Neighbourhood Resource Centre. This well used centre provides safe and accessible programming for vulnerable families and individuals in West Central Winnipeg. This grant helps with renovating the washrooms at the NRC. | $10,000 |
Bibliotheque Allard Regional Library, St. Georges Bibliotheque Allard and it's second branch located at Victoria Beach serve the communities of the RM of Alexander, the Town of Powerview-Pine Falls, and the RM of Victoria Beach. This grant helps to purchase furniture at the St. George library. | $4,000 |
Bear Clan Patrol Inc., Winnipeg BCP operates citizen patrols in three Winnipeg communities. Their volunteers patrol in the North End, West End, West Broadway and Central Park areas. They also offer a food program in the community. This grant helps with the expansion of their food security program. | $10,000 |
St. Amant Foundation Inc., Winnipeg This foundation advances the quality of life of people with developmental disabilities and autism. This grant helps with capital items (wheelchair ramp, new shed, new beds etc) at their Albert Beach Cottage. | $10,000 |
Royal Life Saving Society Canada Manitoba Branch Inc. RLSSC save lives, primarily through drowning prevention and water safety education, training and awareness. They wish to launch a new First Aid/CPR training program to run year around. This grant helps with the purchase of classroom furniture and equipment. | $10,000 |
St. Thomas Anglican Church, Winnipeg STAC provides a community outreach program to the Weston area. This grant helps the Kreative Kids program, a drop-in community arts program. | $5,000 |
Cartwright Centennial Auditorium CCA is a community hall for events in the Cartwright/Roblin Municipality. This hall also acts as the community shelter location in the event of an emergency or disaster. This grant helps with upgrading their washroom facilities. | $7,500 |
Share the Magic Book Program, Winnipeg SMBP aims to increase literacy levels in low income populations. This program collects new and gently-used books for give away, free of charge, in traditionally disadvantaged Manitoba communities. This grant helps with the expansion of the program. | $5,000 |
Samaritan House Ministries Inc., Brandon SHMI offers a number of community services including a food bank and a seasonal safe & warm shelter. This grant helps towards the increased costs of operating the safe and warm shelter. | $10,000 |
Food Matters Manitoba FMM is a registered charity that is dedicated to advancing food security. Their mission is that good food nourishes strong communities and healthy people. This grant helped with the hiring of a council coordinator. | $7,500 |
Habitat for Humanity, Dauphin Chapter This Chapter builds homes in the City and RM of Dauphin for lower income families. The current project is to build a single dwelling home in Dauphin. | $10,000 |
Brandon & Area Youth for Christ. YFC's serves young people in the Westman Area. YFC's vision is to help create a community of hope where no young person goes hungry-spiritually, physically, emotionally or relationally. This grant helps towards the project "Blue Lions Building Campaign". They are purchasing two apartment buildings to provide housing for young people coming out of addictions. | $15,000 |
Today House Inc., Steinbach This shelter provides immediate, overnight emergency temporary shelter for individuals who are experiencing homelessness. This grant helps to repair some broken window seals and to purchase a new security system. | $4,200 |
Woodmore Hall. This hall was established in 1952 and is located southeast of Winnipeg near Dominion City. Other communities that support this hall include eastern communities of Stuartburn, Vita, Sundown and Piney. This grant helps with the costs of preparing blueprints for the reconstruction of the hall. | $4,500 |
Logberg-Heimskringla Inc., Winnipeg. Logberg-Heimskringla is one of the longest published ethnic (Icelandic) newspapers. Established in 1959. This grant helps with the publication costs of producing a booklet to honor the Winnipeg Falcons hockey team and celebrate the 100th Anniversary of their historic gold medal in the 1920 Antwerp Olympics. | $2,000 |
Victoria Albert Daycare Inc., Winnipeg VADI is located in the core of Winnipeg. This area is home to many immigrant and low income families. This grant helps with the painting costs and the purchase of new furniture for the centre. | $7,500 |
Urban Stable, Winnipeg Urban Stable offers students at risk who are struggling in school to learn valuable skills at this therapeutic equestrian centre. This grant helps to purchase a mini-van to transport children to and from Camp Assiniboia. | $7,500 |
Candace House, Winnipeg, Candace House provides a safe and comforting day refuge for victims and survivors of crime during their interactions with court process. This grant helps to renovate the exterior wheelchair ramp to allow for better access to Candace House for those who are disabled. | $7,500 |
Winnipeg Harvest Is a non-profit community based organization. They collect and share surplus & donated food with people who are struggling to feed themselves and their families. This emergency grant is used to feed the less fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic. | $20,000 |
Boissevain Food Pantry This food pantry aims to alleviate hunger. It provides nonperishable canned goods, meats, dairy etc to help the less fortunate. This emergency grant helps to feed the less fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic. | $3,000 |
Siloam Mission, Winnipeg SM is a Christian humanitarian agency offering programs and services at no charge to those experiencing homelessness. This emergency grant will be used to feed the less fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic. | $10,000 |
Main Street Project, Winnipeg MSP is a community health agency offering programs and services at no charge to those experiencing homelessness. This emergency grant will be used to feed the less fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic. | $5,000 |
Union Gospel Mission, Winnipeg UGM is a non-denominational Gospel Rescue Mission that serves the homeless, the addicted and impoverished in the heart of Winnipeg for over 85 years. This emergency grant will be used to feed the less fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic. | $5,000 |
Salvation Army, Winnipeg, The Salvation Army Booth College resides in the core of the downtown area. They minister to individuals and families coping with homelessness, poverty, addictions and mental illness. This emergency grant will be used to feed the less fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic. | $7,500 |
Samaritan House, Brandon Samaritan House core services operated through their head office includes a food bank and a seasonal Safe and Warm shelter. In addition they have an employment resource centre, training centre, and supports for woman and their children experiencing family violence. This emergency grant will be used to feed the less fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic. | $5,000 |
Inner City Youth Alive, Winnipeg ICYA is a faith based organization, focused on providing hope to disadvantaged kids in Winnipeg's core area. The provide a drop in centre, a wilderness camp, as well as a meal program. This emergency grant will be used to feed the less fortunate during the COVID-19 pandemic. | $5,000 |
Union Gospel Mission, Winnipeg UGM has provided valuable resources to those affected by additions, mental illness and poverty since 1933. This grant helps towards repairing their roof at the adult education center. | $15,000 |
Sprucedale Industries Inc., Austin SII provides training and work for persons with an intellectual disability. They primarily offer day programs including small manufacturing and service activities including the operation of a greenhouse & cafeteria, and other activities. This grant helps with the construction of a new greenhouse structure. | $15,000 |
Turning Leaf Inc., Winnipeg TLI provides support to those in our community living with intellectual disabilities and mental illness. This emergency COVID-19 grant helps with the purchase of personal protection equipment for their staff. | $5,000 |
Ka NI Kanichihk Inc. Winnipeg, This agency is a healing centre in the heart of Winnipeg's Indigenous community. Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc. works with indigenous children, youth, & families those involved in sexual violence to help them heal. This grant helps with the building expansion project. | $25,000 |
Lighthouse Mission, Winnipeg Lighthouse Mission is a non-profit organization in the Point Douglas neighbourhood of Winnipeg's core. It has buildings and operates out of Winnipeg's core to provide hope, support and encouragement to individuals in poverty. This grant helps to install an automatic fire suppression system. | $15,000 |
Sierra Club Canada Foundation, Winnipeg SCCF Prairie Chapter's Mission is to empower people to be leaders in protecting, restoring and enjoying healthy and safe ecosystems. This grant helps with the build of an outdoor, landscape installation at the Forks called "Living Rooms". | $6,000 |
Ronald McDonald House Charities Manitoba, RMHCM is a 'home-away-from home" providing essential services for Winnipeg, rural Manitoba and out of province families with essential services 24 hours a day. This grant helps with the construction of a new Ronald McDonald House. | $25,000 |
Canadian CED Network, Winnipeg CCN is national network that promotes “Community Economic Development”, or CED, to reduce poverty, homelessness, promote community revitalization. This grant helps toward the "Spark Program", which connects volunteer expertise with charity needs. | $10,000 |