
Water First Education and Training Inc.
WFETI has been successful working with First Nations youth to complete a variety of watershed restoration efforts over the past seven years. Growing Roots is a new project that builds upon their successful Water Tree program. This grant helps with the pilot expansion program into two Manitoba First Nations.
Lake Winnipeg Foundation
LWF advocates for change and coordinates action to improve the health of Lake Winnipeg. This grant payable over three years helps with the new Agricultural Water Stewardship program whose goal is to reduce phosphorus losses from agricultural landscapes ensuring beneficial nutrients stay on farm fields and out of our waterways.
Save Our Seine River Environment Inc.
SOSREI's mandate is to protect, preserve, enhance, and promote the enjoyment of the Seine River Greenway including associated shoreline, wetlands, natural forests, and grasslands in Winnipeg. This grant helps to develop a fully-accessible dock on the Seine River at John Bruce Park in Winnipeg.