Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg Payable over 3 years, this grant will help to deliver the CSI program which seeks to maintain the learning levels of inner-city children over ths summer.
 Fortwhyte Alive, Winnipeg
Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg Keeping vulnerable children out of harms way is the work of this agency. It is relocating its headquarters to the Freight House.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg The VOICES program helps youth and young adults who have been wards of the province. Clients of VOICES attended an international foster care conference.
Kokum’s Little Friends Day Care, Brandon Morrow Avenue Day Care, Winnipeg Machray Day Nursery, Winnipeg R.B. Russel Infant Centre, Winnipeg Leila Day Care Centre, Winnipeg Busy Bee Day Care Centre, Winnipeg These centres serve high needs populations. Grants are for capital purposes.
$15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $6,300 $7,500 $25,000
The Horse Connection, Winnipeg This operating grant will help the Horse Connection offer therapy based upon the well known benefits of equestrian training.
Manitoba Camping Association The Sunshine Fund helps needy children to enjoy summer camp at one of the MCA’s accredited facilities.
Fort Whyte Alive, Winnipeg Young people from the core area are learning the ways of agriculture while acquiring other life and employment skills. The grant is payable over 3 years.
YMCA, Winnipeg This grant, payable over 3 years, will facilitate the attendance of under-privileged children at its camp near Woodlands.
University of Winnipeg The U of W is located in an inner-city neighbourhood. A Community Youth Athletic Program has been started to help keep children out of harm’s way and to engage them with the university. The grant is payable over 3 years.