Safe Drinking Water Foundation, Saskatoon Students in Manitoba high schools have been issued scientific kits to learn how to test the quality of their drinking water.
 Think Lake Friendly!
 Manitoba Eco-Network
Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation, Toronto The Gordon Foundation has expressed an interest in working with Manitoba agencies regarding the health of Lake Winnipeg. This grant will help to acquire certain baseline data.
Manitoba Eco-Network This grant helps continue the work of the Water Caucus committee, a project that seeks to educate Manitobans on the fragility of our water.
Good Neighbours Active Living Centre, Winnipeg Senior citizens who attend this centre will participate in artistic programming to learn about our water resources.
University of Winnipeg Scientists from the university are working with the City of Winkler to experiment with alternative, natural methods of purifying water.
Lake Winnipeg Research Consortium Payable over two years, this grant supports the education program of the LWRC.
Lake Winnipeg Foundation This grant will help the LWF research the benefits of shoreline protection.