Manitoba Agricultural Museum, Austin The grandstand at the home of the outstanding Threshermen’s Reunion now has a roof.
 Manitoba Agricultural Museum, Austin
 Neubergthal Heritage Foundation
Hillside Cemetery, Belmont A memorial bearing the names of patients who died from tuberculosis at the Manitoba Sanitorium in Ninette, and who are buried in a mass grave near Belmont, has been erected.
Neubergthal Heritage Foundation The Village of Neubergthal is a National Historic Site which contains a collection of heritage Mennonite housebarns. This grant has partly funded the restoration of the Eddie Schmidt Housebarn. The grant is payable over 2 years.
Marine Museum of Manitoba, Selkirk The deck of the M.S. Bradbury has been restored.
Anglican Diocese of Rupert’s Land, Winnipeg The Baptismal Register of historic St. Peter’s Dynevor Church (the “Peguis” Church).