Canadian Virtual Hospice, Winnipeg CVH was originally launched in 2004 and since then has grown into the most comprehensive online source of information and support on palliative care and grief in the world. This grant assists with developing a web space for Adolescents and Young Adults with advanced cancer or other life-limiting conditions. | $10,000 |
Inclusion Selkirk Inclusion Selkirk, formerly Association for Community Living Selkirk is a non-profit agency aimed at helping people with intellectual disabilities live a productive life. This grant assisted with renovation costs for the skills division building at 377 Eveline Street. | $20,000 |
Lion Foundation of Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario, Inc. LFMNOI operates the Kidsight program for Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario. This grant assisted with the purchase of a new Spot Vision Screener to expand the screening program in Manitoba. | $5,000 |
The Children's Hospital Foundation of Manitoba Inc. CHF is an independent agency whose purpose is to raise and distribute funds for the advancement of knowledge and care in the fields of child health care and child health research. This grant assisted with indoor space redevelopment. | $20,000 |
Eden Mental Health Centre., Winkler EMHC is an inpatient psychiatric hospital providing acute psychiatric treatment to adult individuals. This grant assisted with replacing sidewalks and to install electronically opening doors. | $10,000 |
Hope Air This National charity provides free flights to low-income Canadians who must travel outside the province for medical appointments. This grant payable over two years helps fund flights for Manitoba residents. | $15,000 |
South Central Cancer Resource Centre, Morden The SCCRC provides support, information, resources and education regarding cancer, cancer prevention and screening. This grant helps with the renovation costs of the "Hope Haven" wig and head covering room. | $5,000 |
SSCOPE Inc., Winnipeg This agency employs people living with mental illnesses including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety. this grant helps with acquiring a truck to expand their services into the Interlake/Selkirk | $15,000 |