Family & Community Services
Family Dynamics, Winnipeg For 8 decades Family Dynamics has served Winnipeg families in need. This grant purchased tickets to help low income families participate in its 80th anniversary celebrations. | $2,500 |
The Winnipeg Foundation The Winnipeg Foundation and the Thomas Sill Foundation have a unique relationship with the Nitra Community Foundation in Slovakia. This grant helped to build its “Manitoba Fund”. | $5,000 |
LITE, Winnipeg LITE helps marginalized people secure employment. This grant helped to fund its major annual fundraiser, the Wild Blueberry Pancake Breakfast. | $5,000 |
Pembina Counselling Centre, Morden New premises have been renovated by Pembina to help serve its clients, most of whom have personal and family crises to address. | $20,000 |
Samaritan House Ministries, Brandon Samaritan House provides a wide range of services including housing, emergency shelter, counselling and a food bank to marginalized people in Brandon. This grant helped to keep its winter “Safe and Warm Shelter” open. | $25,000 |
Brandon YM/YWCA Low income families in Brandon can benefit from subsidized memberships at the “Y”. This grant helped to fund that program. | $13,000 |
The Momentum Centre, Winnipeg The Centre helps to secure futures for adolescents who badly need guidance. Its success rate is high. The Centre has purchased a building which it had been renting. | $25,000 |
Christmas Cheer Board of Winnipeg Salvation Army Winnipeg Harvest Union Gospel Mission Siloam Mission Christmas Cheer Boards in rural Manitoba Annually, the Foundation helps these agencies which are helping the needy at Christmas | $11,000 $10,000 $10,000 $3,000 $3,000 $6,500 |
SEED, Winnipeg Over 3 years this grant will help immigrants and refugees use their marketable credentials under SEED’s “Recognition Counts” program. | $75,000 |
Thompson Humane Society Significant improvements to the Society’s building are necessary if it is to continue being a regional refuge to abandoned and neglected animals in the North. | $10,000 |
Prairie Partners, Boissevain The “Sawmill Tea and Coffee House” offers employment to developmentally disabled adults and a friendly meeting place for the community. New flooring has been installed. | $10,000 |
Pulford Housing, Winnipeg Two new group homes are being built by Pulford to offer a safe and welcoming environment for mentally challenged adults. | $15,000 |
Inner City Youth Alive, Winnipeg Young people are encouraged to stay in school and learn life skills at this core area refuge where they also learn to stay out of harm’s way. Renovations to the building were undertaken. | $10,000 |
Daniel McIntyre / St. Matthews Community Association, Winnipeg Bed bugs are a scourge, particularly (but not exclusively) in poorer neighborhoods where this agency is a leader in remediation. | $15,000 |
Food Matters Manitoba, Winnipeg FMM promotes food security, primarily for marginalized people. This grant helped to fund its “Newcomer Nutrition Program”. | $12,000 |
Riverdale Place Workshop, Arborg Developmentally delayed adults in the Interlake region are provided with meaningful employment and valuable socialization. A new wheelchair van has been acquired. | $20,000 |
Habitat for Humanity SE Chapter The Chapter builds homes in the Southeast region of Manitoba for lower income families. The current project is to build a side by side for 2 families in Mitchell, Manitoba | $10,000 |
Oak Lake Hall (RM of Sifton), Oak Lake Oak Lake Community Hall has served the community well over 30 years. This grant helped to fund hall renovations. | $15,000 |
Winkler Community Foundation, Winkler A project that started with the Community Foundations of Canada and was undertaken by the WCF, Vital Signs 2018 was partially funded with this award. | $2,500 |
Candace House, Winnipeg A place was acquired close to the law courts buildings where victims, survivors, and loved ones affected by violent crimes could go to be comforted. This grant assists with renovations. | 15,000 |
YMCA, Brandon YMCA provides transitional shelter to both men and women. This grant helped to replace their commercial oven and assist with renovations. | $10,000 |
SMD Self-Help Clearinghouse, Winnipeg This grant helped fund the Access to Benefits Program of the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities. The program provides resources to lower income individuals and families. | $10,000 |
CNIB, Winnipeg The CNIB is celebrating 100 years of service to Canadians. This grant helped support Manitoba’s first Guide Dog Program. | $15,000 |
Tides, Canada As part of a collaboration of funders the Foundation is supporting food security and healthy families in remote locations in Manitoba’s North. This grant is payable over 3 years. | $75,000 |
Lutheran Urban Ministry Corporation, Winnipeg The Urban is an outreach to the working poor and homeless in the West End and the inner city of Winnipeg. This grant helped pay for new folding tables and stacking chairs. | $5,000 |
Union Gospel Mission, Winnipeg UGM has provided services in Winnipeg since 1933. This grant helped in the modernization and refurbishment of the 35 year old elevator at 320 Princess Street. | $15,000 |
Volunteer Manitoba Inc., Winnipeg The Volunteer Center provides information on volunteerism in Manitoba. This grant helped to upgrade its website to be more accessible to the public. | $7,500 |
Winnipeg Humane Society The WHS provides the oldest animal welfare and shelter in Manitoba. This grant was to implement an online training module to benefit staff and volunteers. | $5,000 |
Habitat for Humanity, Virden Chapter This chapter builds homes in the Westman region for lower income families. The current project is to build a single family home in Virden. | $10,000 |
Wings of Power, Pine Falls Wings is a non-profit community resource center in Pine Falls. They also operate a residential home for three young adults with disabilities. This grant paid for new shingles for their home. | $4,250 |
The Salvation Army Winnipeg Booth Centre, Winnipeg The Salvation Army helps individuals and families coping with homelessness, poverty, addictions and mental illness. This grant helps to purchase a new walk-in cooler/refrigeration system at Booth Centre. | $30,000 |
Main Street Project, Winnipeg MSP offers Winnipeg's most vulnerable citizens services such as a safe, respectful and accessible place for individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the community. This grant helps to purchase new furniture for their mainstay transitional housing residence. | $20,000 |
Holy Names House of Peace Inc., Winnipeg This refuge in the heart of the city, is an intercultural agency that offers refugees and immigrant women a safe transitional home where they have access to a variety of services and programs. This grant helps to purchase new LED lighting and fixtures for their agency. | $7,500 |
Canadian Red Cross Society, Winnipeg The Canadian Red Cross Society focuses on helping people who are most vulnerable, individuals impacted by disasters and deteriorating socio-economic conditions. This grant helps to purchase new technical equipment to communicate critical information more efficiently. | $5,000 |
Misericordia Health Centre Foundation, Winnipeg Misericordia Health Centre offers a variety of diverse services to our local community. One of them being the Buhler Eye Care Centre. This grant helps to purchase the Stryker tt Drive Drill for the Ophthalmology department. | $15,000 |
Pembina Valley Pregnancy Care Centre, Winkler The PVPCC has locations in Winkler and Morden, providing support to anyone impacted by pregnancy by providing free and confidential services. This grant helps towards renovation costs to relocate their office to the second floor at Boundary Trails Place. | $7,500 |
Reaching E-Quality Employment Services, Winnipeg REES provides employment services to people with disabilities in Winnipeg. They also provide consultation services to employers to retain people with disabilities in employment. Equipment such as a smartboard for workshops and presentations and an audio amplification unit was acquired. | $5,000 |
Prison Fellowship Canada, Winnipeg Camperships allow the children of federal and provincial inmates to attend summer camp. This grant helps fund the 2018 summer camp. | $14,400 |
Aulneau Renewal Centre, Winnipeg The Centre provides counseling, therapy and training to individuals and families. An integrated case management system was partly funded. | $10,000 |
Central Speech and Hearing Clinic Inc., Winnipeg Children and adults who are deaf or hard-of-hearing are served by this Clinic. The grant helped to purchase a new Tympstar Middle Ear Analyzer. | $10,000 |
Rural Municipality of Gilbert Plains Community halls are important social centres in rural Manitoba. Renovations for the hall in the village of Gilbert Plains, were partly funded. | $15,000 |
John Howard Society of Manitoba, Winnipeg A new program, Canine Healing Services, has been started. This is a pre-employment, skills development program for men who have been in conflict with the law. | $20,000 |
New Directions for Children, Youth and Families, Winnipeg A wide range of services to children, adolescents and adults is offered by New Directions. This grant helped to provide bridge funding for the Empower Project. | $15,000 |
Villa Rosa Inc., Winnipeg This shelter operates a pre-natal residence and a post-natal residence for single expectant and post-natal mothers. Roof renovations was assisted. | $15,000 |
Canadian CED Network, Winnipeg The Network promotes "Community Economic Development", or CED, to reduce poverty, homelessness and promote community revitalization. "Spark" connects volunteer consultants with charitable organizations. | $10,000 |
Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities, Winnipeg This agency provides services to persons with disabilities. The Foundation assisted with phase 2 of the Accessibility Consulting Services (ACS) Pilot Project with this grant. | $10,000 |

The Momentum Centre, Winnipeg