Morris Emerson Area Health Foundation Improvements to the palliative care unit of the Morris Hospital have been partly funded with this grant.
$10,000 |
St. John Ambulance, Winnipeg SSCOPE, Winnipeg NorWest Co-op Community Health Centre, Winnipeg
Muscular Dystrophy Canada Mobility aids have been purchased for use by rural Manitobans dealing with neuro-muscular ailments.
$25,000 |
St. John Ambulance, Winnipeg A “therapy dog” program is provided by St. John. It contributes to good mental health for people under stress.
$5,000 |
Canadian Mental Health Association, Central Region CMHA is pursuing the “Recovery College” model of helping people living with mental illness. The grant is payable over 3 years.
$30,000 |
SSCOPE, Winnipeg This agency employs people with mental illness. New equipment has been acquired to serve its yard maintenance business.
$9,100 |
Canadian Mental Health Association, Parkland Branch The Parkland Branch of the CMHA operates three apartments for people with mental illness. New washers and dryers have been purchased.
$6,500 |
Rhineland C.A.R.E., Altona A room in the Altona Hospital has been converted to a palliative care unit.
$15,000 |
Seven Oaks General Hospital Foundation, Winnipeg Renovations in the acute psychiatric care ward will allow exercise classes to be conducted. Physical exercise contributes to good mental health.
$10,000 |
NorWest Co-op Community Health Centre, Winnipeg The Centre helps deserving families in Gilbert Park and Blake Gardens maintain good health, including nutrition education. A new staff member has been hired with the help of this grant.
$10,000 |