
Morris Emerson Area Health Foundation
Improvements to the palliative care unit of the Morris Hospital have been partly funded with this grant.



St. John Ambulance, Winnipeg


SSCOPE, Winnipeg

NorWest Co-op Community Health Centre, Winnipeg

NorWest Co-op Community Health Centre, Winnipeg


Muscular Dystrophy Canada
Mobility aids have been purchased for use by rural Manitobans dealing with neuro-muscular ailments.



St. John Ambulance, Winnipeg
A “therapy dog” program is provided by St. John.  It contributes to good mental health for people under stress.



Canadian Mental Health Association, Central Region
CMHA is pursuing the “Recovery College” model of helping people living with mental illness.  The grant is payable over 3 years.



SSCOPE, Winnipeg
This agency employs people with mental illness.  New equipment has been acquired to serve its yard maintenance business.



Canadian Mental Health Association, Parkland Branch
The Parkland Branch of the CMHA operates three apartments for people with mental illness.  New washers and dryers have been purchased.



Rhineland C.A.R.E., Altona
A room in the Altona Hospital has been converted to a palliative care unit. 



Seven Oaks General Hospital Foundation, Winnipeg
Renovations in the acute psychiatric care ward will allow exercise classes to be conducted.  Physical exercise contributes to good mental health.



NorWest Co-op Community Health Centre, Winnipeg
The Centre helps deserving families in Gilbert Park and Blake Gardens maintain good health, including nutrition education.  A new staff member has been hired with the help of this grant.
