LITE, Winnipeg The Wild Blueberry Breakfast is LITE’s major annual fundraiser. The proceeds fund its work to help marginalized people find jobs.
$4,500 |
 LITE Winnipeg  The Pas Handi-Van  Pregnancy & Family Support Service, Winnipeg  Ka Ni Kanichihk, Winnipeg  Hands of Hope, Winnipeg  L’Arche, Winnipeg  Habitat for Humanity, Portage la Prairie  SSCOPE, Winnipeg  NorWest Co-op Community Health Centre, Winnipeg
The Pas Handi-Van A new van has been acquired to help people who need transportation in The Pas.
$5,000 |
Pregnancy & Family Support Service, Winnipeg These funds will help hire a therapist to serve individuals and families in crisis in the West End.
$19,000 |
Plum Coulee Heritage and Recreation Development Corporation A new community hall, offering a variety of activities, will serve all ages.
$20,000 |
Christmas Cheer Board of Winnipeg Salvation Army Winnipeg Harvest Union Gospel Mission Siloam Mission Christmas Cheer Funds in rural Manitoba
It is a traditional of the Foundation to help agencies who are helping others at Christmas.
$11,000 10,000 10,000 3,000 3,000
Elizabeth Fry Society, Winnipeg Education is crucial to ex-offenders who seek a productive life. This grant helps to sustain the Society’s literacy program.
$10,130 |
Ten Ten Sinclair, Winnipeg Interior repairs will help this agency serve its clients, many of whom are mobility challenged.
$9,000 |
The Jubilee Fund, Winnipeg Jubilee is in the philanthropic business of social finance. This grant, payable over 2 years, supports its operations.
$20,000 |
SEED Winnipeg Winnipeg’s first Social Finance Forum was partly funded with this grant.
$4,000 |
Siloam Mission, Winnipeg A major expansion, entitled “Make Room” will help Siloam serve more of Winnipeg’s homeless.
$100,000 |
Safe Families, Winnipeg The goal of this agency is to help keep families in crisis together. A start-up grant has been provided.
$5,000 |
Helping Hands for Manitobans with Breast Cancer Financial assistance is provided to Manitobans undergoing treatment for cancer. Low income patients often need help with accommodation, travel, drugs and so on.
$10,000 |
Ka Ni Kanichihk, Winnipeg Ka Ni Kanichihk (“those who lead”) serves the Indigenous community. It is engaging an “Indigenous Co-operative Developer” to provide housing co-ops, cultural co-ops and professional services co-ops.
$15,000 |
The Lord’s Bounty Food Bank, Flin Flon This food bank has acquired a former church building from which it will deliver its services to Flin Flon and nearby communities.
$11,000 |
Association for Community Living, Beausejour Improvements have been made to one of ACL’s group homes to improve its energy efficiency.
$13,000 |
Hands of Hope, Winnipeg This “thrift” store is unique in that it actually engages its patrons to help improve lives. A part time delivery driver was employed with this grant.
$20,000 |
L’Arche, Winnipeg This agency serves developmentally disabled adults, some of whom are retired. A retirement program has been partly funded.
$4,000 |
Canadian Centre for Child Protection, Winnipeg The Centre is a national organization that addresses the abuse of children. This grant helped to deliver programming on First Nations reserves.
$17,000 |
Habitat for Humanity, Portage la Prairie Two new “builds” will provide a good home for two families.
$10,000 |
Swan Valley Communities That Care Programming for young people who are in conflict with society and their families has been partly funded.
$15,000 |
Prison Fellowship, Winnipeg Payable over 3 years, this grant will help increase staffing so that more services can be delivered to federal and provincial prison inmates.
$15,000 |
Manitoba Women’s Institute The MWI will host two “Manitoba Rural Women’s Days”. These funds will help sponsor the events.
$5,000 |
Selkirk & District Community Foundation This foundation is researching its community’s “Vital Signs”, a project of the Community Foundations of Canada. The award is payable over 2 years.
$7,500 |
Winnipeg Central Park Women’s Resource Centre The Centre provides assistance to inner-city women. This grant focused on nutrition education.
$3,000 |
L’Entre Temps des Franco-Manitobaine, Winnipeg This women’s shelter, which provides bilingual services, has expanded its child counseling program. Many abused women escape with their children.
$20,000 |