Family & Community Services

Steinbach Family Resource Centre
The Centre has moved to a new facility and invested in leasehold improvements.


Steinbach Family Resource Centre

Steinbach Family Resource Centre

The Jubilee Fund, Winnipeg

The Jubilee Fund, Winnipeg

enVision Community Living, Steinbach

enVision Community Living, Steinbach

Equal Opportunities West, Winnipeg

Equal Opportunities West, Winnipeg

Winkler Family Resource Centre

Winkler Family Resource Centre

Manitoba Foster Family Network

Manitoba Foster Family Network

Pluri-elles, growing hand in hand

Pluri-elles, growing hand in hand

Mosaic - Newcomer Family Resource Network, Winnipeg

Mosaic – Newcomer Family Resource Network, Winnipeg

TIDES, Canada

TIDES, Canada

North Point Douglas Women's Centre, Winnipeg

North Point Douglas Women’s Centre, Winnipeg

Villa Rosa, Winnipeg

Villa Rosa, Winnipeg

Thompson Humane Society

Thompson Humane Society

Parkland Crossing, Dauphin

Parkland Crossing, Dauphin

West Central Women's Centre, WInnipeg

West Central Women’s Centre, WInnipeg

Mount Carmel Clinic, Winnipeg

Mount Carmel Clinic, Winnipeg

Habitat for Humanity, Flin Flon
Habitat for Humanity, Killarney
Habitat for Humanity, Virden

These communities are building houses for a deserving family.



The Jubilee Fund, Winnipeg
Jubilee is a lender of last resort focused on social enterprises. This grant helped with its administrative expenses.



enVision Community Living, Steinbach
Equal Opportunities West, Winnipeg
Community Living, Selkirk
SPIKE, Winnipeg
Community Living, Stonewall
Gateway Resources, Winkler

Developmentally disabled adults in Steinbach and Selkirk have a new group home. EOW has leased a new service truck for its employment programs. Community Living, Selkirk is renovating its Riverside Grill, a social enterprise. Community Living, Stonewall has acquired a multi-purpose building. Gateway is rebuilding after a catastrophic fire.





Union Gospel Mission, Winnipeg
Improvements to the Charis Centre, a facility for addicted women, have been partly funded with this award.



Winkler Family Resource Centre
An “imagination library” is being established under the auspices of the Dolly Parton Foundation.



LITE, Winnipeg
This agency promotes the employment of marginalized people from Winnipeg’s poorest communities. Its annual fundraiser, the Wild Blueberry Breakfast, was assisted.



Agape Table, Winnipeg
This refuge for hungry people relies mostly on private donations. It has acquired fundraising software. 



Survivor’s Hope Crisis Centre, Pinawa
A regrettable increase in the need to assist abused women has led to an expansion of the Centre’s facilities in Pinawa and Powerview-Pine Falls.



Christmas Cheer Board of Winnipeg
Salvation Army
Winnipeg Harvest
Union Gospel Mission, Winnipeg
Siloam Mission, Winnipeg
Christmas Cheer Funds in rural Manitoba
The Foundation provides grants at Christmas time to support agencies that are helping the needy.



Pluri-elles (Manitoba)
A wide variety of social services are provided to francophone communities in the province. Leasehold improvements were funded at its Winnipeg head office.



SPLASH Child Care, Winnipeg
New flooring will improve this daycare which serves the public from the North End Wellness Centre.



Mosaic – Newcomer Family Resource Network,Winnipeg
A newcomer parenting support program has been assisted.



TIDES, Canada
As part of a collaboration of funders the Foundation is supporting food security and healthy families in remote locations in Manitoba’s North. This grant is payable over 2 years.



Swan Valley Crisis Centre, Swan River
A new fence and gates will enhance the appearance and security at this emergency shelter for abused women and their children.



Literary Review of Canada, Winnipeg
The SPUR Festival, produced by the LRC, stimulates public discourse on a wide variety of issues of importance to society. It is an annual, national event. This grant helped fund the Winnipeg festival.



Community Foundations of Canada
Foundations from rural and northern Manitoba have been assisted to attend CFC’s bi-annual, national conference.



Westminister United Church, Winnipeg
A new community kitchen will help Westminster advance its charitable service to its neighbourhood.



North Point Douglas Women’s Centre, Winnipeg
This refuge for women has acquired new computers for use by its patrons.



Villa Rosa, Winnipeg
Emergency plumbing and heating repairs were undertaken at this shelter for single expectant and post-natal mothers.



Thompson Humane Society
Capital assets which will help the Society enhance its fundraising results have been acquired.



Lakeshore School Division, Ashern
The schools in Ashern are developing methods to teach its students how to succeed. The lessons are being transferred to the wider, local community



Parkland Crossing, Dauphin
Located in a former Indian residential school, Parkland offers low income housing and facilities for other charitable agencies to undertake their activities. A boiler has been replaced.



Nova House, Selkirk
A new women’s shelter is being constructed.



West Central Women’s Resource Centre, Winnipeg
The Centre is expanding its kitchen to commercial status. This will enable it to conduct more social outreach by using food preparation and eating together.



Mount Carmel Clinic, Winnipeg
A major capital campaign will provide space to serve a critical clientele: street women who are addicted and pregnant.



*John Howard Society, Winnipeg
The Society sponsors a project to help aboriginal prisoners lead a rewarding life upon release. It is known as OPK and this grant helped to fund the employment coach.
