Safe Drinking Water Foundation, Saskatoon
The SDWF makes scientific water study kits available for schools across Canada. This grant helped to fund purchases for Manitoba schools.


Lake Winnipeg Foundation, Winnipeg

Lake Winnipeg Foundation, Winnipeg





Ste. Rose Splash Park, Ste. Rose du Lac

Ste. Rose Splash Park, Ste. Rose du Lac


Lake Winnipeg Foundation, Winnipeg
Payable over three years, this award supports the LWF’s “Lake Winnipeg Health Plan”.



Ste. Rose Splash Park
It is one thing to build a splash park, but another to design it such that the “waste” water can be re-used to flush the toilets in the change houses and water the town’s plantings.



University of Winnipeg
The Geography Department continues its research on Dead Horse Creek in southern Manitoba. Impacts on Lake Winnipeg are studied.



Riverdale District Health Authority, Rivers
The people and students of Rivers, in collaboration with Healthy Rivers, are developing a nature trail and wetlands education centre.
