Killarney Food Bank The food bank building is being renovated and expanded.
 LITE, Winnipeg
 Siloam Mission, Winnipeg
 EPIC de St. Malo
 Assiniboine Park Conservancy, Winnipeg
 Prairie Partners, Boissevain
Community Financial Counselling Services, Winnipeg This agency helps individuals deal with chronic debt. New software will assist in complex file management.
LITE, Winnipeg Annually, LITE hosts a Wild Blueberry Pancake Breakfast where its work in helping marginalized people is showcased to the community.
Salvation Army Winnipeg Harvest Union Gospel Mission Siloam Mission Christmas Cheer Board of Winnipeg Christmas Cheer Boards in Rural Manitoba The Foundation helps with the Christmas relief services of several agencies on an annual basis.
$9,000 $9,000 $2,500 $2,500 $10,000 $6,500
EPIC de St. Malo This agency serves developmentally delayed adults. The grant will help it to mount an annual play, “Works of Beautiful Minds”, starring its clients.
Assiniboine Park Conservancy, Winnipeg In recognition of the Foundation’s 25th anniversary this grant will support the redevelopment of Aunt Sally’s Farm. The grant is payable over 5 years.
SPIKE, Inc., Winnipeg A new group home for developmentally disabled adults has been acquired.
The Winnipeg Foundation “Community Roots” is a magazine focused on community foundations in Manitoba. It is published by The Winnipeg Foundation.
Prairie Spirit School Division, Glenboro A public park will serve community-wide needs and will be located on the grounds of Glenboro School.
Town of Minnedosa A wellness park will be developed on the banks of the scenic Little Saskatchewan River. Mulitiple features will enhance wellness in Minnedosa.
Prairie Partners, Boissevain Adults with intellectual handicaps are proud to work at the Sawmill Tea and Coffee House, an endeavour of Prairie Partners. Renovations have been undertaken.
Prendergast Association, Winnipeg Prendergast makes space available for a variety of community agencies in Windsor Park, a suburb of Winnipeg. Those agencies include day cares, senior centres, recreational groups and self-help groups. This grant purchased various capital items.
ImagineAbility, Winnipeg This agency’s facility has been improved so that it can better serve adults who are developmentally delayed.
Manitoba Centre for Families in Transition, Winnipeg The MCFT has been awarded a start-up grant to help it deliver programs for the benefit of children who have been affected by the acrimonious divorce of their parents.
Food Matters Manitoba FMM seeks to enhance nutrition and food security, especially in the North. This grant is for program delivery in two remote communities.
St. Amant Foundation, Winnipeg St. Amant helps intellectually disadvantaged adults. Its clients will enjoy a new vacation cottage being built on 18 acres of riverfront land donated by the Grey Nuns.
King Edward Community School, Winnipeg The school’s playground area is being redeveloped to serve both the students and the wider community.
Pinawa Community Multipurpose Facility The kitchen in F.W. Gilbert School is being renovated to facilitate programming delivered at the school by several community groups.
Esther House, Winnipeg This treatment facility helps women recover from addictions. Programming was funded.
Knox United Church, Winnipeg An emergency grant was awarded to help historic Knox United Church repair its roof so that its tenants could continue to serve the Central Park community.
Today House, Steinbach Homeless people now have a refuge in Steinbach. A start up grant has been provided.
North End Community Renewal Corporation NECRC is the heart beat of Selkirk Avenue. Renovations have improved its head office.
Habitat for Humanity, Springfield A deserving family in the Rural Municipality of Springfield will soon move into a new house.
Initiatives for Just Communities, Winnipeg A pilot project known as “Stride”, is being offered to women who have been in conflict with the law.
Community Foundations of Canada This grant was made in honour of the late Betsy Martin who was a supporter of our rural foundations project.
Visions of Independence, Portage la Prairie A new van will help adults in Portage la Prairie who have developmental challenges.
Juniper Centre, Thompson Capital repairs to group homes will enhance the quality of life enjoyed by those with developmental handicaps in Thompson.
Aulneau Renewal Centre, Winnipeg Aulneau provides counselling and assistance to families under stress. Landscaping will offer a therapeutic outdoor opportunity.
Western Manitoba Regional Women’s Centre, Brandon The Centre is expanding its services for women to many rural towns in southwestern Manitoba.