Arts & Culture

Dauphin & District Allied Arts Council
The heritage Watson Arts Centre has acquired new draperies for its performance theatre.



Dauphin & District Allied Arts Centre

Winnipeg Film Group
Fundraising software will help the WFG expand its income base.


Burrows Trail Arts Council, McCreary
The Council, which provides exposure to a wide variety of arts, as well as a meeting venue, is purchasing the building which it has been renting.


Sarasvati Dramatic Theatre Productions and Repertory, Winnipeg
Sarasvati produces theatre with a social voice. This grant has partly funded “Jail Baby”, a play dealing with female offenders.


Manitoba Theatre for Young People, Winnipeg
MTYP has a long history of service to children and their families. This grant is intended to help through a challenging financial point in its history.


Reston Memorial Theatre
Reston’s Theatre was built by the community shortly after WWII. It is used for a variety of functions and is being upgraded.


Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art, Winnipeg
MAWA is bringing aboriginal and immigrant women together to experience each other’s art in a program called The Indigenous and International Traditional Crafts Project.
