Family & Community Services

Salvation Army
Winnipeg Harvest
Christmas LITE
Union Gospel Mission
Christmas Cheer Board of Greater Winnipeg
Christmas Cheer Boards in Rural Manitoba
The Foundation has traditionally helped those who are helping others at Christmas.


Blue Sky Opportunities, Altona

Salvation Army

Alpha House Project, Inc.

Alpha House Project, Inc.

Evergreen Basic Needs, Gimli

Evergreen Basic Needs, Gimli

Blue Sky Opportunities, Altona

Blue Sky Opportunities, Altona

L'Arche, Winnipeg

L’Arche, Winnipeg

North End Community Renewal Corporation, Winnipeg

North End Community Renewal Corporation, Winnipeg

Union Gospel Mission, Winnipeg

Union Gospel Mission, Winnipeg

Soup Bee

Soup Bee

Alpha House Project, Inc., Winnipeg
Nova House, Selkirk
Women’s Safe Haven and Resource Centre, Flin Flon
These emergency shelters for women have received grants for capital projects and the operation of emergency shelters.



Canadian Amateur Boxing Association
Pan Am Place is being developed to help young men achieve fitness and attain personal goals in a residential setting.



Community Life Church, Winnipeg
Interior renovations will help this building to take on more programs as a neighbourhood community centre.



Durban Community Hall
Gretna Prairie Centre
The residents of these hamlets are improving their local halls, the centre of their social life.



Evergreen Basic Needs, Gimli
A learning centre is being established to help adults obtain their high school standing.



Flin Flon/Creighton & Area SPCA
Parkland Humane Society, Dauphin
These communities are erecting new animal shelters.



Living Gospel Church, Winnipeg
Through a partnership with Manitoba Housing, Living Gospel is funding a Family Centre within a new submidized apartment complex in the inner city.



Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelters
An “In-House Counselling Manual” is being developed for use by MAWS members throughout the province.



ACL – Swan River
Pine Creek Residence, Austin
Envision Community Living, Steinbach
Imagine Ability, Winnipeg
Blue Sky Opportunities, Altona
Southwest Community Options, Killarney
L’Arche, Winnipeg
Community Living Selkirk
These agencies help the developmentally disadvantaged among us. Grants were made for various capital purposes including cafes opened by L’Arche and Community Living Selkirk to create employment and training for its clients.



Normac Handi-Transit, MacGregor
The town of MacGregor and the surrounding municipality are introducing a handi-van service.



North End Community Ministry, Winnipeg
The former Stella Mission in the North End is renovating its historic building as it starts its second century of service to the local community.



Oyate Tipi Cumini Yape, Winnipeg
This agency helps poor women and their children acquire household goods, including furniture and appliances. An emergency operating grant was provided.



St. Matthew’s Non-Profit Housing, Winnipeg
The historic St. Matthew’s Anglican church is being converted for use as affordable rental accommodation.



Seed, Winnipeg
This grant, payable over 3 years, will help to fund SEED’s Money Management Training program.



Union Gospel Mission, Winnipeg
The Mission is renovating a new facility for its programs directed at women.



Villa Rosa, Winnipeg
REES, helps disabled people obtain employment. This grant provided bus tickets to help clients attend various functions.



Village of Hartney
The Village is upgrading and improving its swimming pool.



West Broadway Development Corporation, Winnipeg
A “Soup Bee” project helps young people to obtain a job and learn a skill.



Winnipeg Harvest
A new computer system will help Harvest to manage its large body of volunteers.



North End Community Renewal Corporation, Winnipeg
The NECRC is helping to renovate an old, brick warehouse which will house several partners who are committed to addressing the housing needs of low income people.



The Winnipeg Foundation
“Community Roots” is a magazine devoted to Manitoba’s thriving community foundation movement. It is published by The Winnipeg Foundation.



Swan Valley Inter-Agency, Swan River
This group of almost 50 agencies cooperates to bring services to the Swan Valley area. A part time coordinator has been hired.



West Central Women’s Resource Centre, Winnipeg
Capital repairs have been undertaken on the Centre’s building.



Prairie Rose School Division, Carman
A theatre in the Carman Collegiate is available, year round, for community use. It is being renovated.



Jubilee Fund, Winnipeg
Jubilee promotes economic opportunity and offers loan guarantees for community economic development. Office furniture was acquired.
