
Partners FOR the Saskatchewan River Basin, Saskatoon
Soil and Water Conservation Society, Guelph
These agencies chose Winnipeg to stage their annual conferences on water issues.


Partners for the Saskatchewan River Basin, Saskatoon

Partners for the Saskatchewan River Basin, Saskatoon

Manitoba Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization

Manitoba Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization

Community Foundations of Canada, Ottawa
A coordinator is being engaged to manage the joint efforts of foundations that are working in the Lake Winnipeg Drainage Basin to help improve the condition of the lake.



Churchill Northern Studies Centre
This award is payable over 2 years. It will help the CNSC build a new facility for researchers and students on the shores of Hudson Bay.



Manitoba Wildlife Rehabilitation Organization
MWRO receives and rehabilitates injured wildlife, conducts research and captive breeding and educates the public. It is developing a new property to pursue its mandate.
