Multiple Sclerosis Society, Winnipeg MS is a neuro-muscular disorder. The Society is a valuable resource for the disease’s victims and their families. Its services will be delivered from a new location.
 Canadian Porphyria Foundation, Neepawa
 Mount Carmel Clinic, Winnipeg
Society for Manitobans with Disabilities SMD has developed an information resource centre known as InfoAbility. Materials for the centre have been acquired with this grant.
Mount Carmel Clinic, Winnipeg The CIBC has donated a former branch building to the Clinic. This award will help to renovate the structure to better serve the clients of the Clinic.
Canadian Porphyria Foundation, Neepawa The CPF is enhancing its website by including a Doctor’s Guide to Porphyria Medication.
Killarney and Area Palliative Care Committee Southwest (Stonewall) Palliative Care Committee Souris Health Auxiliary These rural palliative care units are investing in capital assets within their hospitals.
$10,000 $9,960 $7,500
Hospice and Palliative Care Manitoba HPCM is the umbrella agency which acts as a resource for the delivery of palliative care throughout the province. It is embarking on a major review of this service.
Alzheimer’s Society The Society has acquired banners which will help it to market its programs at various rural and urban events.
Pembina Valley Pregnancy Crisis Centre, Winkler Office renovations will help the Centre deliver its services to those who are encountering unplanned pregnancies or other problems relating to sexuality and child-raising.
North Point Douglas Women’s Centre, Winnipeg The Centre offers the women and children of North Point Douglas an opportunity to develop their potential in a safe location. Major sewer and water repairs were partly funded with this grant.
Crisis Pregnancy Centre of Westman, Brandon The Centre helps young women dealing with an unexpected pregnancy. Roof repairs were funded.