
Taking Charge! Inc., Winnipeg
Academic upgrading, career development and childcare services are offered to adults seeking to improve their lives.  New premises have been acquired.


University Of Winnipeg

University Of Winnipeg

Brokenhead River Regional Library, Beausejour

Brokenhead River Regional Library, Beausejour

Taking Charge! Inc., Winnipeg

Taking Charge! Inc., Winnipeg

School District of Mystery Lake, Thompson
An expanded Music curriculum is a goal of the School District.  This grant will help to acquire instruments for students from semi-remote areas.



University of Winnipeg
This grant, payable over 4 years, will help fund the capital campaign of one of Canda’s finest small universities.



St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Winnipeg
A literacy project is being undertaken as a community outreach project.



Allard Regional Library, St. Georges
Ste. Anne Library
Border Regional Library, Virden
Libraries are centres of enjoyment and learning. Various capital grants were assisted.




University of Manitoba
A pilot project, delivered by students, will seek to increase attendance at varsity sports events.
