Arts and Culture

Golden Prairie Arts Council, Carman
Viscount Cultural Centre, Neepawa
The arts are important in rural Manitoba. People are brought together to enjoy the many forms of artistic expression and enhance the sense of community.  Capital projects were assisted.


Viscount Cultural Centre, Neepawa

Viscount Cultural Centre, Neepawa

Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts

Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts

Golden Prairie Arts Council, Carman

Golden Prairie Arts Council, Carman

Manitoba Theatre for Young People
Capital improvements have been made to MTYP’s flagship theatre at The Forks.



Manitoba Conservatory of Music & Arts
New software, especially designed for conservatories, will help this agency serve its patrons.



Video Pool, Winnipeg
The production and distribution of independent video is the work of Video Pool. New High Definition equipment will facilitate this mandate.



International Music Camp, Turtle Mountain
Thousands of young people from around the world improve their music skills at the Camp. Its nursing and laundry facilities have been improved.




Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art, Winnipeg
A pilot project to improve access to the arts by rural and northern women is underway.



Barrows Community Council
New sound equipment will be available for use by community groups in the hamlet and district of Barrows.
